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Narrative Alchemy: The Grand Opening

Narrative Alchemy: The Grand Opening

Along with the rebrand of this website from Alchemical Gaming to Narrative Alchemy, I am officially opening my doors today as a pastoral counselor. While I used to have some imposter syndrome around this, I can’t deny that friends have occasionally come to me for religious or spiritual advice, throughout my adult life. I am […]

Regarding a certain Facebook controversy

Regarding a certain Facebook controversy

Now that it’s two and a half years later, I need to set the record straight about certain things. A friend recently wrote a blog post discussing an attempt to smear his reputation, and I realized it’s time I addressed a similar situation. Certain people in the East Coast larp community have tried to paint […]

The Butterfly Effect Manifesto

By Kjell Hedgard Hugaas and Sarah Lynne Bowman. This post was originally published on, and is reprinted here with permission from the authors . This manifesto describes in detail our preference for playing, designing, and facilitating larp experiences with the explicit purpose of encouraging transformative impacts within participants. This work is a synthesis of […]

The Power of Positive Bleed

Originally posted at The Space Between Stories. I’ve spent a lot of time on this blog discussing the negative bleed and how players can cope with it (the most prominent blog here); I suggest giving it a read in conjunction with this blog. However, I believe one of the most powerful, wonderful things about LARP is […]